Awk-Weird (Ice Knights, #2) (2024)


1,217 reviews614 followers

October 16, 2019

H is an entitled ass. And please, authors, relatives and friends of h, FFS, call a spade a spade, and call a dick a dick. Stop your google acquired psychobabble and try to make h take half the blame where the guys is a DICK.

The OW’s was not only frequent and apparent in the H’s life, it seems that would remain unchanged. Not only that, he’s not above using her as a weapon and shield just to get even with h and hurting her, rather than addressing the issues.

Charming, our H is.

His ex is always present along with the baby mama and EVERYONE can see how connected those two are. The moment the H gets a concussion it was the ex who runs to him almost kissing his booboos for him and it was clear there was no place for the h or even the teammates.

Ever after being clued in by his friends, do we get an apology, or an acknowledgment from the H putting h’s fears to rest? Oh f*ck no. Apparently saying “I love you too” to h’s humiliatingly public confession is good enough. Let me make this clear, after ALL that, h was the one yo humiliate herself with grand gesture. Not him. And we as a reader do NOT hear from him telling the h that no, the OW wasn’t staying the night with him like he insinuated and no he no longer feels anything for her.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    hero-is-disrespectful hero-is-on-rebound hero-loves-ow-almost-till-end

Heather K (dentist in my spare time)

3,982 reviews6,158 followers

February 27, 2020

I sat on this review for over a month, not sure what to do with my feelings about Awk-Weird.

On one hand, I read this book very quickly (in less than 24 hours), and I enjoyed the writing style. Avery Flynn writes book that I like to read, and I found that I didn't want to put it down.

But the couple... I wanted to pull my hair out.

So much could have been solved with some very simple discussions between the two MCs. Yes, I know, that was part of their baggage and issues, but it made me want to bang my head against the wall numerous times.

Also, if you've read a few Avery Flynn books, you'll start to notice a bit of a pattern...

We get insta-lust, miscommunications, friends/sip-and-paint, and big love declarations at the end. I felt a bit like I've read this story before because, even though the plot was different, the formula was too familiar. I also struggled with the fact that the GUY messed up, but the girl ended up apologizing. No thanks. I need grovel-p*rn in my books, especially when the guy screws up in a big way.

Three stars for readability, but I still wanted more from this couple.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*


    contemporary hockey-players-f-yes m-f

XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy

1,485 reviews478 followers

October 15, 2019

I really enjoyed getting to know Tess and Cole. They came together pretty fast and resisted the fall as best they could but they fell together naturally in the end, as they were meant to be.

Cole was stubborn and resistant to change. Tess was smart but apprehensive. For some reason, these two worked for me. Though Cole especially was frustrating at times, his development translated well in Ms. Flynn’s storytelling. It was easy to set aside expectations and just experience the events with the characters. The book is not only well written, it had emotional moments, funny moments, and certainly happy moments.

As someone who reads a few hundred books a year, I can tell you that some plots feel recycled. That is not my experience with Ms. Flynn’s books. Each, including this one, brings something unique or fresh to the table. Looking forward to the next book.

Complimentary copy received and voluntarily reviewed.

Southern Lady Reads (Crazy Busy-Will Catch Up!)

678 reviews1,058 followers

November 1, 2023

⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5 - Easy Kindle Unlimited Reads Stars 💕

Super easy to listen to the audiobook version if you need a lil soap-opera-y surprised pregnancy romance between more serious reads!

***keep in mind when I rate something like this - it’s for the genre and intended audience. It’s not Pride & Prejudice. Its just an easy lol romance in the Kindle Unlimited category!

Sentranced Jem

1,145 reviews602 followers

October 8, 2019

The title of the book is absolutely spot on. Awk-weird is adorably awkward and weird.

Awk-Weird (Ice Knights, #2) (6)

Awk-weird was the perfect romcom. I couldn’t stop the smile on my face the entire time I was reading this book. It’s sweet and funny with the perfect dollop of charm and captivating chemistry.

Awk-Weird (Ice Knights, #2) (7)

The characters are adorable! Tess is nerdy, weird and she’s my kind of girl especially with her awesome choice in sweatshirts! Even Mr.Thor-lookalike aka Mr.Ice hockey player/ Mr.Everything has a system/Mr.Neat Freak is adorable.
These two characters are the prefect example of opposites attract. They were both a shock to each others system and It honestly made for such an entertaining read.
Special Shoutout to Kahn! hahaha
Awk-Weird (Ice Knights, #2) (8)

This is my first Avery Flynn book and I really enjoyed it. I look forward to reading more from her.



1,427 reviews33 followers

October 14, 2019

It was okay. One thing that irritates me after reading five of these books is how formulaic they are.
There is the instant lust between the H/h.
There is the big misunderstanding.
There is Sip and Paint.
Followed inevitably by the best friends arriving with junk food and promising to help hide the body.
Ending, ta-daaaaa, with the public disclosure of love. No one in this universe ever just says I Love You at home or in the car. Hell no, they do it on a microphone in a bar, or at a party on the karaoke machine. Is is not love if you do not make a spectacle of yourself?

And another thing, all the women have some oddness, while the guys are perfect examples of hot Male pulchritude. The women are tiny, fat, or funny looking, or prone to verbal diarrhea, or have the voice of a 10 year old, or are just some kind of oddball. The men are just hot. I guess it is more happily ever after if the average woman gets the beefcake...

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


3,192 reviews937 followers

December 7, 2019

This book is OK read. Nothong special nor something left a big impression for me. The story of 2 people who had one night stand and ends up in pregnancy, is not somthing new in romance world.

What it lacking is a kicking up a notch the comedy. I think this book is meant for romantic comedy. The romance is there, but not the comedy. The trivia facts are cute and adding knowledge for me. The character chemistry can be explored more in depth instead of lingering in the background.

There is that inta lust and insta love. Tess is a likeable heroine while Cole is bland hero. His broody character can not make me swoon over him. He does not do a lot of groveling either.

Overall, OK read. Not love it but not hate it either.

3 stars


571 reviews123 followers

July 31, 2020

Well, my first book by this author! And it didn't end well for me!!!

* The OW Issue- the hero was so hung up on his ex that he actually was sure that the ex would come back to him no matter what! That's not the end of it. Even after he got pregnant the heroine, he was being an asshole about the whole OW business. Well, if you are so fixated on the OW, then how the hell you got pregnant to someone who is not your ex. You should have been loyal to your ex.

* The constant remembrance of the OW and the temporary factoid was very disturbing.

* I know the heroine was a bit awkward kinda cute but I was expecting that public confusion "I love you" from the hero, certainly not from the heroine. He didn't even say sorry for being an asshole.


780 reviews28 followers

September 10, 2020

I have a mixed feeling about this book, and I can't seem to decide what rating should I give the book.
3,4 or 5 Stars

I made the mistake of starting this series without knowing there is another series that I should have started with before the one that I'm currently reading. I was so confused with the names and characters. I had no idea who they were so, it took me awhile to get into the book with fully understanding who is a couple with whom . After that everything was great for me .

I loved so many things about this book, it was steamy, funny and it made me emotional in so many ways. One moment I was laughing so hard that I almost mad my entire family wake up and the next I was so angry with the stupidity of Cole and Tess. It took my a while to finish the book so every time I picked the book I struggled a little to be OK with some of the main characters actions, but as always, Tess personality and her random factoids pulled me back in. I loved the chemistry between Tess and Cole and how they each accepted the other even though it took them some time to reach this point . I also loved the friendship between the teams members and between the ladies. All in all, it was a really enjoyable book that made me day, practically the three days that it took me to finish the book, but I do have a mixed feeling about the ending. I just didn't like how the H and h hurt each other after what they had done. I think I would have loved the book more if there was no break up at the end and then getting back. With this being said, I decided to give the book 4 stars because it definitely deserves it after all the laughing and joy that brought me.

Simply Love Book Reviews

7,047 reviews855 followers

October 15, 2019

So, you gotta love the way Avery Flynn writes a RomCom. She knows how to make you laugh and have a good time while you root for the underdog and hope for true love. Tess and Cole were absolutely wonderful together. Weirdness times two just made this story special.

Tess was a riot right from the beginning. Her attitude and quick wit just made her so enjoyable to read. She had a hell of a life and learned to take everything in stride. But, this time, there’s not much she could do with a hockey puck coming right at her. She’s either going to put the stick down and pass it or she’s going to score. Unfortunately, as she is trying to pass it, the roof comes down around her. Now, she has no choice but to suck it up and move on or, in this case, move in with someone she never thought she would see again. Cole was down in the dumps. His on-again, off-again relationship has been off for a long time. He has his whole life planned out and now it seems like Marti is throwing a wrench into all of it. He’s organized, predictable and knows just how he likes things. But, there was something about Tess that actually got him interested in something other than brooding. Now, his organized, predictable life is being thrown into a tailspin. First the new plays, then he finds out he’s going to be a daddy and now, Khan.

Having Tess around is no hardship but, he didn’t sign up for Khan. Now, together they need to figure out a way to get over their insecurities. They need to learn to rely on each other. They need to learn that the old ways aren’t always the best ways. Tess loves the word temporary. Cole loves the word organization. She doesn’t believe he will stay. He just wants her in his life … and Khan too.
Avery Flynn just knows how to tell a story. She knows when to throw in the drama and when to just let the characters go and be themselves. Maybe that’s what I love most about reading her stories. She makes her characters true-to-life. They are people that you could relate to and would love to be friends with. Everyday people with everyday problems. And, her supporting cast of characters are just as much fun as her main characters. All of them truly show what the word friendship means.

I loved Ack-Weird. I loved the premise of the story and how they both came to rely on the other. I loved that Tess was able to get Cole to loosen up. I loved that Cole took the word “temporary” out of Tess’s vocabulary. Fun, sassy, sexy and weird … you can’t ask for much more from a story and Avery Flynn knows how to deliver it all.

Review copy provided for a voluntary review.



6,612 reviews214 followers

February 22, 2020

It was okay, not my favorite though.

Awk-Weird didn't stray from it's title. It was awkward and weird. Which confuses me like no other because the first one was okay, just like this one, but I felt the chemistry more with this couple? Ugh, I feel like I'm not making complete sense but I'm just rocking with it.

In it, you will meet Tess and Cole. During their first meeting, you can tell that they are total dorks and it works for them. Then there's some sparks between the two and eventually things start to flow. One night stand later, there's a huge hiccup in their daily life plans. A baby - yup, she's pregnant.

There's some push and pull between these two throughout the entire book. Yet, you can see that they have developed feelings for one another. Of course, there's endless drama and ugh, I just couldn't deal with it anymore.

In the end, it was cute and reminded me of a hallmark movie.

    2020-ng audiobook chick-lit

Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction

1,043 reviews821 followers

May 30, 2023

05/30/2023: Reread! (Audiobook.)

06/27/2021: Reread! (I adore my Thor look-alike hockey hunk and his quirky girl.)

Disclaimer: I received an Advance Reader Copy at no cost from the publisher/author. All opinions in my review are my own.

Just kill me now. This book has already stolen my breath away and I don't know if I am going to survive the after-effects this book has caused me. Send help because I have a serious book hangover, ya'll.

This is a story that spoke to my heart in so many ways. One of the things that I love about Flynn's books is that she has very realistic characters. You can easily find bits and pieces of yourself in each of her characters like I did with Tess and Cole in this book. With this book, Tess is a nerd and since I am a proper nerd I fell into pieces over her. I really connected with her in so many ways. Cole, while he had loving parents, had an unpredictable childhood since he had to move around a lot because of his father's job. Because of that, he is in constant need of order in his life. Right down to pre-prepared meals and bedtimes. Both Tess and Cole experience such incredible personal growth in this book. It was such a beautiful thing to witness. Tess throws Cole's predictable life into chaos and Cole makes Tess see that not everything is always temporary in life. Their journey to happiness together touched my heart.

I love this entire cast of characters. I have read many of the other books that contain these characters and I have fallen in love with each of them along the way. I love the way that they pop up in other books within this amazing fictional world. I am seriously anxious for the next book from this world! When the author runs out of characters to write about I might just die. (Avery, please don't run out of characters. Pretty please? :happy face emoji:)

Overall, this is by far my favorite Flynn book to date. These characters just got me and I got them. Their love story was beautiful and the growth that they experienced within themselves individually was inspiring. Flynn's books are always feel-good stories that have the right amount of emotions, heat, and humor. In other words, they are perfect and you will fall head over heels for them. Just saying. I can't recommend this one enough. It is definitely my new favorite. Thanks so much, Avery Flynn! You have done it again!

More reviews on my blog: Novel Nerd Faction

    adult arc contemporary

Tucker Almengor

916 reviews1,700 followers

April 15, 2020

3.75 stars! cute and steamy but not steamy enough... but also too steamy? it was weird. review maybe to come


this is just going to be a quick read to uplift my soul!

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    4-stars contemporary romance

Robin (Bridge Four)

1,745 reviews1,569 followers

January 18, 2021

Tess and Cole got weddinged. Cole first noticed Tess at the wedding when she was answering all the trivia questions correctly while trying to pretend she wasn’t listening in on their game. After he pulls her in to be his teammate and she loses the bet to help Cole make some friends they end up dancing and then dancing *wink wink*. It was Just supposed to a night of wedding sex until Tess discovers that accidents happen and she has a little hockey puck in the oven.

Cole had a plan. Well actually Cole always has a plan. He has been on again off again with the same girl since high school. He is just waiting for them to get back together again, it always happens. So, when Tess shows up to say hey, I’m having your baby it throws a wrench into all of that. Cole figures he can both be a father and get the girl he always planned to marry. There is just one problem. Tess actually gets him, she makes him forget he had plans and all of the quirky facts that spill out of her mouth when nervous are just adorable. Also she has a cat.

“When did you get a cat?” Christensen yelled from the kitchen. “And why is it looking at me like it’s plotting my death?”
“Obviously it has good taste,” Petrov shot back.”

As they learn more about one another they might just figure out that sometimes accidents happen for a reason and they are everything they never knew they needed.

This was incredibly cute. Tess has a lot of abandonment issues, well earned by the way, but she was easy to like and you were always pulling for her to see how much her friends and Cole would be there for her long term. Cole is a good guy, he also has a few issues from his past that make him want to control his life, but Tess helps him let go and learn that sometimes that will make life even better.

Completely cute Rom-Com story.

    4-5-stars awesome-audio beautifully-broken-bastards


2,064 reviews154 followers

July 11, 2020

A one night stand leads to an unplanned pregnancy altering the lives of Tessa and Cole.

An easy and light little read, The heroine Tessa is likeable, the hero Cole ok, he didn't charm me as I had hoped.

One thing that still irks me a little is the lack of resolution/confrontation when it comes to how Tess's relatives treated it her - the disregard etc still annoys me, especially as I feel like she just accepts it, it would be fine if she called them out on it.



Ambriehl Khalil

Author2 books158 followers


September 13, 2020

I pushed through the baby trope and the miscommunication and Cole’s annoying-ness but I draw the line at public announcements of feelings. I hate it more than anything. This is basically everything I hate shoved into a book so it’s really not fair for me to rate it because I know a lot of other people would looove this. Unfortunately it really tested my patience and I’m honestly not sure why I bothered reading it in the first place.

    adult-new-adult hockey-romance sports-romance


1,864 reviews415 followers


January 24, 2021

Spoilers ahead

Whoa I almost read this! Wow! So apparently

he's hung up on his ex(y'all know my stance on exes in my romances)
The ex was very present
The h was the awkward type and SHE was the one to publicly confess her love
He didn't apologize for treating the h badly

You know it's so ridiculous to Me that he's hung up on his ex.....yet still slept with the h...... Kinda tells me ALL I need to know about him.


3,778 reviews521 followers

October 21, 2019

most of all this cover, ugh...

Awk-Weird (Ice Knights, #2) (22)

    couldn-t-care-less unlikable-characters


3,710 reviews2,302 followers

November 4, 2019

Get it here:
Amazon US * Amazon UK

Awk-Weird (Ice Knights, #2) (24)



127 reviews67 followers

March 12, 2022

this was god awful. the average rating LIED


193 reviews39 followers

October 16, 2019

Skimmed. Boring

Didn’t like hero. Not really memorable
Heroine was fine

Guy messed up, girl groveled and professed love. That took it from 2.5 stars to 1 star.

Jackie (Jackie's Book World)

882 reviews59 followers

October 15, 2019

***Review can also be found at Jackie's Book World. :)***

Not having read other books by Avery Flynn before, I didn’t know what to expect before reading Awk - Weird. Needless to say, I was really impressed with the story and how well Flynn managed to develop the characters from beginning to end. The story was sweet and entertaining, a definite must read for sure.

At the beginning of the story we get to meet Tess Gardner, a flower shop owner who happens to love facts. She is attending one of her friend’s wedding rehearsal party when she overhears a group of hockey players playing a trivia game and answers the questions when she thinks that they are not looking. But she is noticed by one of the players and he invites her to play. Everyone has a good time and Tess immediately feels chemistry between her and Cole. They dance and soon things get carried away. It wouldn’t be until a month later that things would change their lives forever.

Tess has always felt that she doesn’t belong. After growing up being shuffled from relative to relative like an unwanted obligation, she started to see things as temporary and made her feel invisible. She has a quirky personality to which people weren’t as accepting of and her love for facts began. Her priority changes when she finds out that she is pregnant and feels the need to give the baby what she didn’t have growing up. But it’s her connection with Cole that make things harder for her and the more time they spend together the more she begins to fall for him. She is afraid of getting hurt and doesn’t know if Cole has any feeling for her at all.

Cole Phillips is good at what he does, hockey. He is the overachiever who happens to like structure and a routine. So when Tess shows up to tell him that she is pregnant things don’t go as he plans. His life is about to change forever and he doesn’t know how to react at first. He had a one-night-stand with Tess, yet his ex is all he can think about. What she is going to say once they get back together or so he thinks. Cole is hopeful that everything in his back goes back to normal, but the minute Tess moves in with her cat all hell breaks loose and he’ll have to decide if is worth giving their relationship a try or not.

I absolutely loved this book! It was quirky and funny. Tess has been through so much growing up so it’s understandable for her to have her guard up. I loved her personality and how caring she is. On the other hand, Cole might love his routine but he has the biggest heart. They have a lot in common and facts is one of them. They have definitely found their match and they are able to help each other overcome their pasts in order to move on. They challenge each other and it just proves how they are meant to be together. I loved the interactions that she has with her friends, they are her family and they made the book that much funnier. All in all, the story was great and the characters developed as well. The ending is so sweet and it’s definitely one not to be missed. I would highly recommend checking out this book and I cannot wait to read more from the author in the future. :)

**I voluntarily read an early copy of this title in exchange for an honest review**

    adult-fiction best-of-2019 book-tour

❅ Karen ❅

186 reviews91 followers

January 12, 2022

This is a book I probably would have never picked up but I LOVED IT. It was like playing a movie in my head that I didn't want to end. I'm such a hopeless romantic that it was perfect for me! I didn't mind the point of view but sometimes it confused me. Also, it had too many sex details. I'm sure others love that but definitely not for me lol. It was a fun, easy read that many romance lovers would like.

Review 2:
I read this book over 2 years ago. It was probably one of the first books that I read with smut. The book was so cute and I enjoyed reading it again. I have come to truly enjoy the sexy scenes. I just think it adds so much to a story. I was able to flow through this book a lot easier than the first time. I enjoyed reading it from both perspectives. And don't even get me started on the voicemails! This romance was such a quick read but it still gave me all the emotions a slow burn would give me.

    ebook favorites own


1,373 reviews55 followers

July 3, 2020

I think I need to say that I have a thing for books that include one of the characters getting pregnant. It is just my weird thing.
Tess has always been the weird (honestly in my opinion intelligent) girl who spews facts and trivia when she is uncomfortable or doesn't know what to do in an awkward situation. So when she meets Cole at her best friend's wedding and they end up sharing a steamy night, the last thing she expects is to get pregnant even when she knows that condoms were used the three times they had sex that night (I had to add that because that sh*t is just impressive). Anyways with her pregnant, she finally believes that this is the family that she has always wanted but never had. She was dropped off by her mother in family homes where she never felt wanted and was always made to be a burden, so as expected she has reservations about not wanting to be a sh*tty parent, so she tells Cole and their relationship starts from there.
Cole who sticks to his routine so tightly, cannot believe what is about to come into his life and disrupts his routine life. But when her roof almost collapses in on her, he decides to let her come live with him. They began to fall in love and the FREAKY SEX SCENES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just read it


1,311 reviews248 followers

October 20, 2019

Florist Tess Gardner is the weird reserved one of the friendship group we've been following in this series. At the wedding of Frankie and Lucy (from Muffin Top), Tess gets "weddinged" with Ice Knights player Cole Phillips. They're both happy for it to have been a one-night thing, but Tess turns up pregnant. When a timely apartment disaster kicks Tess out of her home for a few weeks, Cole takes her into his carefully ordered house and life on a temporary basis. Temporary would be a whole lot easier though if they could keep their hands off each other ...

As I've said before, this series hardly breaks new ground., but they're all fun romantic comedies, often with a core of drama (in this case, Tess's abandonment issues and Cole's rigidity). They're also well written and characterized with lots of time given to the supporting cast of previous and future point-of-view characters.



4,720 reviews589 followers

February 13, 2020

Awk-Weird is the second book in Avery Flynn’s Ice Knights series, but it works perfectly fine as a standalone novel. It also links in with The Hartigans, where we first met our leading lady. Whether you’re new to either series or have followed the progression of both, this is an addictive read.

As always, Avery Flynn gave a book that had me hooked from the very first page. I was pulled right into the story and quickly fell for the characters and their story. There were plenty of moments that made me smile – although I didn’t laugh quite as loud as I have with other books from the author – and plenty of moments that aggravated me (in the best of ways, that is).

With plenty packed into the story, Awk-Weird was another great read from Avery Flynn and I cannot wait for book three of the Ice Knights series.

Ang -PNR Book Lover Reviews

1,734 reviews148 followers


August 19, 2022

This was weird, like I had so many high expectations to love this, but I unfortunately didn't. I thought it was adorably awkward and slightly cute. I found the main couple immature and annoying most of the times, I can see the appeal to others though, I can see why its potential for other readers to enjoy and love, it is though a continuation of her other series. Well I thought it was, as the main chick is bff with the girls from Butterface, Muffintop and Tomboy. This is not my first Avery book, and it probably wont be my last, they are fun easy, some what angst/drama (ish) rom/coms. Tess and Coles story is very boy meets girl at said wedding they bang, she gets knocked up and then they fall in love, with a hell of a lot of miscommunication, they breakup well not really they are really ever together just boning. "Temporarily" I liked it overall 3 stars.


275 reviews77 followers

September 3, 2021

OHH BOY....where to start 🙈

I really had high hopes for this book but was SOOO disappointed 😞

I usually pick books that I know I'll love so I rarely dnf books, however I was so close..I can't say I was glad for sticking it out!!.

Let's just say I struggled to stay interested with this story and found myself drifting, it might of been because it's written in 3rd person which I normally always try to avoid but I didn't know before i purchased this.

I found the characters annoying and just wanted to scream at their lack of communication with each. This was their whole issue....arhh!

I found all the FUN FACTS really quirky throughout this book.
There was so much repeated inner monologues and babble which I skipped over ALOT!!

The ending was happy as to be expected and tbh I probably won't be reading any others from this series or author.


423 reviews55 followers

May 7, 2020

More like a 3.5 but I did enjoy this enough for a bit of a bump.

Ali 🇲🇽🦂🏳️‍🌈

122 reviews4 followers

July 25, 2022

Very cute story! Not a big fan of surprise pregnancy or instant love but I kind of knew from the get go that it was going to be that kind of story.

I’m also not usually into sports romance but seeing as the love interest is a Hockey Player, I made an exception 🤤
There really is minimal sports references though and a bonus to this read is all the random trivia facts

I’d recommend it either way as a cute fluffy romance 💕

Awk-Weird (Ice Knights, #2) (2024)


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Article information

Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Views: 6319

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.